Stonehenge Stomp

So this weekend I decided to go for a walk. A walk that required me to get up at 5:00am, drive two hours, and pay £3. It took me just over seven hours to complete this walk, and by the end of it, my knee was hurt so badly that I am limping and can barely walk on it*.

I walked for 30 kilometers.

I know. Crazy right? Who does that? Well apparently, a lot of people do it. It's called long-distance walking and it seems to be quite a popular sport for the people of Amesbury.

There are a group of people called the Amesbury walkers and they organize several long-distance walks throughout the year. My friend Cillian told me he was going for a walk around Stonehenge and I decided to tag along without doing some research first.

So I participated in the Stonehenge Stomp - a mapped out walk through the backyards, fields, and farmland of the area surrounding Stonehenge. It was basically organized hiking. But instead of forests, you had giant pigs and hay bales for scenery.

Oh. And Stonehenge. Yeah. That was part of the scenery too.

*It should be noted that my knee hurting is the result of an old injury. In December 2009, I managed to dislocated my kneecap. Despite having no problems with my knee and exercising it for six months, it still seems to hate me. Figures, I injured it in a stupid way originally and I re-injure it by simply walking. Stupid. I'm going to go ice my leg now.

Auld Lang Syne

Happy New Year!

I took a short road trip up to Blacksburg, Virginia, to spend the night with friends at my alma mater, Virginia Tech. We went to the Boogieburg New Year's Eve "Speakeasy" Party. Flappers, gangsters, swing music, and celebrations all night long!